Perkin Elmer 3300 Manual

Perkin Elmer 3300 Manual 3,6/5 283 votes

The most commonly used technique, flame AAS is compact, cost-effective, and highly suited to liquid or dissolved samples containing target analytes. As only a small portion of the sample ultimately arrives at the flame due to the aerosolizing process, flame AAS provides a relatively high interference removal, resulting in reliable accuracy. Ideal for trace elemental determination in the mg L −1 range and lower for some elements. The iCE 3000 Series AAS flame instruments provide ideal analysis solutions for laboratories requiring wide detection capability for over 60 elements and enable rapid, robust and reliable analysis. Self-calibrating monochromator and auto-aligning lamps ensure optimum light throughput for maximum sensitivity. Robust burner offers extended analysis when analyzing challenging samples.

AMP-3300 Plasma II PECVD Deposition System. Perkin-Elmer PE 4400 Sputtering Systems We have been focusing on providing solutions and enhancements to Perkin-Elmer Sputtering Systems including Perkin-Elmer PE4400, PE 4410, PE 4450, PE 4480, PE 2400 Series. These OEM Sputter Coating systems have been used in production and R&D since 1980's.

Fully automatic gas control ensures repeatable flame conditions and safety. Flame optimization routines incorporated into daily analysis ensure parameters are optimal. A highly robust technique, furnace AAS is capable of analyzing low volume liquid samples. Ideal for labs handling complex matrices on a routine basis, it provides very efficient interference removal, resulting in sensitivity of several orders of magnitude higher than flame AAS, enabling trace elemental determination in the low μg L−1 range and lower for some elementsThe dedicated furnace atomizers of the iCE 3000 Series AAS allow for unattended analysis of low concentration samples.

The most commonly used technique, flame AAS is compact, cost-effective, and highly suited to liquid or dissolved samples containing target analytes. As only a small portion of the sample ultimately arrives at the flame due to the aerosolizing process, flame AAS provides a relatively high interference removal, resulting in reliable accuracy. Ideal for trace elemental determination in the mg L −1 range and lower for some elements. The iCE 3000 Series AAS flame instruments provide ideal analysis solutions for laboratories requiring wide detection capability for over 60 elements and enable rapid, robust and reliable analysis. Self-calibrating monochromator and auto-aligning lamps ensure optimum light throughput for maximum sensitivity. Robust burner offers extended analysis when analyzing challenging samples.

Fully automatic gas control ensures repeatable flame conditions and safety. Flame optimization routines incorporated into daily analysis ensure parameters are optimal. A highly robust technique, furnace AAS is capable of analyzing low volume liquid samples. Ideal for labs handling complex matrices on a routine basis, it provides very efficient interference removal, resulting in sensitivity of several orders of magnitude higher than flame AAS, enabling trace elemental determination in the low μg L−1 range and lower for some elementsThe dedicated furnace atomizers of the iCE 3000 Series AAS allow for unattended analysis of low concentration samples.

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