Manual Router Huawei Hg530 Español

Manual Router Huawei Hg530 Español 3,4/5 8740 votes

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Understanding the issue

Firmware is the term for the software that runs on your router. Because after all, a router is also a computer. Like any software, firmware can have bugs, and it is occasionally updated. However, updating your router's firmware is a bit different than updating your computer's software. Follow the instructions below to update your router's firmware. They are easy to follow.

Vendor Documentation

Recommendation: Refer to the router's documentation to learn how to fix problems. Go to the vendor's support site where you can download documentation.

How to load new firmware onto your router

Step 1: Log in to your router.

Before you start, you must determine which version of firmware your router is currently running. To do that, you must log in to your router. RouterCheck can give you detailed instructions for logging in to your router.

Step 2: Determine the router's firmware version.

Look through the router's interface and find the firmware version. It should be prominently displayed.

Step 3: Determine the latest available firmware version.

Visit the router vendor's website to investigate downloading newer firmware. Look through the download section for your router model to determine the latest firmware version. Click here for the vendor's support site, where you can download firmware.

Step 4: Download the latest firmware.

If your router is already running the latest firmware, you do not need to do anything else. If not, then download the latest firmware version to your computer. Ensure that you download the exact firmware that your router needs. Important: The firmware must exactly match the router model. In addition, the router models often also have revision numbers that must match. Tumblr launches new app for mac download.

Step 5: Upload the new firmware to your router.

Return to your router's interface in the browser window that you opened previously. Open to the administrator page and see how to update the router's firmware. Typically, this will be an edit box with a browser button that enables you to select the firmware image that you want to update. Select the firmware that you just downloaded and start the process.

Step 6: Wait for the magic to happen.

If you have done everything correctly up until now, the new firmware should be loading into your router. Do not turn off the power to your router until the process is complete. Perhaps it's time for a break. Take your mind off of routers and sing a little song. We recommend G.T.O. by Ronny & The Daytonas. It's about the right length of time for a router update.

Step 7: The router reboots.

After the router updates, it should reboot itself. After the router reboots, log back into the router and verify that the version number has changed.

Step 8: You are done!

You have successfully updated your router's firmware.

Fix a problem on your router

Learn how to use your router

RouterCheck Support Sericon Technology Inc. © 2015-2019

. Huawei HG530 - page 1HUA W EI HG 530 Hom e Gateway User Guide. Huawei HG530 - page 2i Conten t s 1 W arni ngs and Pr ecaut ions. 1 2 Connecti ng the Cables and Gettin g St arted.

4 2.1 Conn ecting The Cabl es. 4 2.2 Gettin g S tarted. Huawei HG530 - page 31 1 W arnings an d Preca utions T o use t he device prop erly and safe ly, read these war nings and pre cautions carefully an d strictly observe t hem during oper ation. Unle ss otherwise specified, t he term 'dev ice' ref ers to the dev ice and it s accessorie s. Basic Require ments  During stora ge, tran sportatio n, and opera tion. Huawei HG530 - page 42 device im mediately, power it of f, remov e all the ca bles conne cted to it, an d then cont act an authorized serv ice center.

 During thu nderstorms, power off the device, an d then re move all t he cables connected to it to preve nt it fro m getting damag ed due to li ghtning str ikes. Precautio ns for Usin g Wireless Devi ces  When us.

Huawei HG530 - page 53  Ensure that the power adapter meet s the re quirements of Clause 2.5 in IEC60950 - 1/E N60950 - 1 and it is teste d and approv ed according to n ational or local standar ds. Safety of Children Keep the dev ice and it s acces sories out of the reach of children. Other wise, they may da mage the devi ce and it s accessorie s by mist ake, or the. Huawei HG530 - page 64 2 Connecti ng the Cables and Ge tting St arted Thank you for purchasin g the HU A WEI HG530 Home G ateway (her einafter referred t o as the HG530). 1 Connecti ng The Cables If your te lephone line i s used for both the broadba nd netw ork access and a telephone co nnection, t ake the following fig ure as a refere nce for c onnecting the cable. Huawei HG530 - page 75 After y ou power on the HG530, the ADSL ind icator blinks ( for less th an three minutes), w hich indicat es that the HG 530 is being a ctivated. After the ADSL indicator stops bl inking, the P ower and ADSL indicators tur n solid on, which indicates t hat the HG530 is working properly.

Huawei HG530 - page 86 3 Setting t he Net w o rk -Access Parameters By configur ing the HG 530 and your co mputer, y ou can choo se any of the following methods to surf the Internet:  Accessing t he Network Throug h the Embedde d PPP Di al - Up Softw are on the HG530  Accessing t he Network Throug h the PPP Dial - Up Sof tware on Y our Computer 3. 1 Accessing t.

Huawei HG530 - page 97 2) Select a PVC number, such as 1, from the PVC drop- dow n combo box. 3) E nter the VP I and VCI that are provide d by the netw ork operator in t he VPI and VCI tex t boxes. 4) Select Ye s fr om the Acti ve drop - down combo box and se lect Routin g from the Mode drop - dow n c ombo box. 5) Select PPPoE from the Encapsulation drop - down comb.

Huawei HG530 - page 108 2. Install and configur e the PPP dial - up soft ware on you r computer. The PPP dial - up sof twar e is pre - instal led on certain comput er operating systems. T o create a di al - up conne ction, do as follow s (takin g the Windows XP operating sys te m as an ex ample): 1) Choose S tart All Program s Accessories Communication s. Huawei HG530 - page 119 4 Configuring the Wireless Netw ork Connecti on If a wirele ss network ad apter is in stalled on y our comp uter, you c an connect you comput er to the HG53 0 through a w ireles s connect ion. After th e insta llation of a wireless net work adapter, you need to co nfigure the wireless network conne ction on your co mputer. Y ou can co nfigure.

Huawei HG530 - page 1210 1) Right - cli ck My Comput er, and then ch oose Manage fro m the shortc ut menu. 2) In t he Comput er Management w indow, choose Computer Managemen t (Local) S ervices and A pplication s Services.

3) From the services li sted in the right pane of the Co mputer Managemen t window, r ight - click Wireless Zero Configuration, and then. Huawei HG530 - page 1311 5 Config uring the Device 5. 1 Changing the Administr ator Password Used for Logging In to the Web - Based Configur ation Utilit y For safety reasons or to make the p assword easy to r emember, you can change the a dministrator pass word for login af ter logging in t o the W eb - based configura tion utility. T o chan ge the pas sword, do a s. Huawei HG530 - page 1412 5. 2 Enabli ng or Disabling the Wireless Netw ork Function Y ou can quic kly enable or disable t he wireless network funct ion by pre ssing the W LAN button o n the HG530.

T o ena ble the wirele ss network function, pre ss and hold the W LAN but ton for ov er one second, and then re lease the button. Y ou can disa ble the wirele ss netw ork fun. Huawei HG530 - page 1513 5. 4 Changing the IP Address Use d for Logging In to the Web - Based Configura tion Utili ty T o make t he login IP addre ss easy to reme mber, you can change t he IP address aft er logging in to the Web - b ased configur ation uti lity. T o chan ge the IP address, d o as follows: 1. Log in to the Web - bas e d confi guration ut ility. Choo.

Huawei HG530 - page 1614 After th e preceding operations, the current p age jumps t o the login p age. Y ou can log in to the Web - ba sed configurati on utility by entering the defaul t user name and p assword. Huawei HG530 - page 1715 6 FAQ s Can I use the term inal as a D HCP server? Y es, you can. The ter minal incorpor ates the DHC P serv er sof tware. How can I quic kly restore t he default setti ngs of the termi nal? T o restor e the defau lt setting s of the ter minal, pow er on the t erminal, pre ss and hold the Re set button f or a minimum o f over six seconds, an d.

Huawei HG530 - page 1816 1) In IP address, ent er 192.16 8.1.100. Ens ure th at thi s IP add ress is unique and n ot used by other computer s.

2) In Subnet mas k, enter 255.25 5.255.0. 3) In Default gateway, enter Consult y our network servi ce provider ab out the IP addre ss of the domain name server (DNS). In Prefer red DNS server and Altern ate. Huawei HG530 - page 1917 3) Replace te lephone lines. If the ADSL indicator sti ll blinks, con tact y our network serv ice prov ider.

Check w hether the LAN i ndicator of t he terminal is on. If the LAN indicator is off, perf orm further checks as fo llows: 1) Ensure that the networ k adapter of t he computer is enabled.

2) Ensure tha t the netw ork cable betw een. Huawei HG530 - page 2018 2) Restore the default sett ings of the terminal. If the prob lem persist s, cont act your network serv ice provider. Check wheth er the prox y server of th e Web browser i s correctly configured. Take the Int ernet Explorer installed on a computer that ru ns W indows X P as an ex ample.

To check w hether the prox y server of the Web browser. Huawei HG530 - page 2119 If the driv er is impro perly inst alled, ins tall it properly. Check w hether the comp uter can re ceive the sign als of a W L AN. T ake a computer that runs Window s X P as an exampl e.

T o check whether the computer can receiv e the signal s of a W LAN, do as follow s: 1) In the Control Pan el window, double - click Network Conn ections. Huawei HG530 - page 2220 If your c omputer is far from your terminal, th e effe cts of the W LA N are affec ted. Place your terminal and computer i n another dire ction. Do not use y our termin al to access a W LAN during thunderst orms.

What c an I do if the W LA N of the t erminal i s not encry pted and the comp uter cannot ac cess the WLA N? Delete the setti. Huawei HG530 - page 2321 5. If the prob lem persists, r estore the default settings of the t erminal. What c an I do if Web pages oft en cann ot be di splay ed during Web page bro wsing an d can be display ed after the term inal is restarted?

Ensure tha t the termi nal and other devi ces such as te lephones or fax machines ar e connected t o the telepho ne line thro. Huawei HG530 - page 2422 7 A p pendix 7. 1 Indic ators Indicator Status Description Power On The H G530 is powered on. Off The H G530 is powered off. ADSL Blinking The HG530 is being activat ed. On The HG530 is activated. Off The H G530 is powered off.

Internet Blinking  The HG530 w orks in routing mode.  The W AN connection is set up.  Data is be ing transm. Huawei HG530 - page 2523 Indicator Status Description LAN1 - LAN4 Blinking Data is being transmitted through the Ethernet interface.

On The Ethernet connection i s set up. Off The Et hernet connectio n is not set up. 2 Inter faces and Buttons 2 1 3 5 7 9 6 8 4 Number Int erface or Button Description 1 W LAN It is used t o enable or d isable w ireless network function. Huawei HG530 - page 2624 Number Int erface or Button Description 4 Reset Y ou can press an d hold the R eset button for over six seconds to restor e the defau lt setting s of the HG5 30. NOTE After y ou restore th e default s ettings, your customiz ed data is l ost. T herefore, u se this function with caut ion. 5 - 8 LAN1 - LAN4 It is used to connec t to the Eth ernet i.

Huawei HG530 - page 2725 Item Specification Relative h umidity for operation 5% to 95%, non - con dens ing Dimensions ( L × W × H) 156.4 mm × 5 2 mm × 124. 3 mm W eight About 245 g Standards ADSL standard s  G.992.1 (G.dmt) Annex A  G.994.1 (G.hs)  ANSI T 1.413 Issue 2 ADSL2 standard s  G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) Annex A  G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) Annex L ADSL. Huawei HG530 - page 2826 Copy right © Hua wei Tec hnologie s Co., Lt d.

All rig hts reserved. No part of this doc ument may be reproduced or transmitt ed in any for m or by any means w ithout prior written co nsent of Huaw ei T echnologies C o., Ltd. The produ ct described in this manual may include copyright ed softw are of Huawei T echnologies Co., Lt d and p.


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